Thursday, 28 January 2016

FITNESS: 8 New Weight Loss Smoothies That Are Much More Effective, And Tasty Too!

A larger percentage of our weight is contributed by what we eat. Exercise and genes weight contributes very less. Therefore, if you are planning to reduce weight, the first thing that you must think about is changing your diet. There are a number of foods that can assist you lose weight, other than the normal. They include mainly those that can keep you full for long, increase the metabolic rate and contain fewer calories. Smoothie is one such food. It is a drink that is obtained from blending fruits or vegetables.   Below are the new weight loss smoothies that can make weight loss more effective, and they are tasty too!

1. Apple Smoothie
Apple is one of the slightly expensive fruits available in the markets.  However, it has a greater nutrition value that makes price less important. Blending apple with cinnamon makes it tastier. It reduces weight by keeping you full for long. The amounts of food that you will take within a given period, is reduced preventing weight gain due to food.
2. Chia
Chia is often blended with berries to make a smoothie. This combination contains fiber and protein that play a major role in keeping you full.  Berries are rich in antioxidants that are necessary for your general body health. Chia is just a fine way of starting off a long busy day. Make it your breakfast or simply a drink between meals.
3. Carrot smoothie
Talking about carrot specifically, it contains larger amounts of Vitamin A that is necessary for eyesight and skin. Its smoothie contains about 20g of protein which plays a role in keeping you full for long. In addition, about 10g of fiber in it improves digestion, hence, increasing the number of fats broken down. Therefore, excess fats stored in the body that can cause increase in weight are reduced.
4. Pawpaw smoothie
Most fats stored in the body are as a result of poor digestion and low metabolic rate. They make you feel overstuffed and uncomfortable in the inside. If you feel as described, papaya smoothie is what you definitely need. It contains enzymes that improve digestion. It also relieves your body the excess sodium that is one of the causes of diabetes. Above all it is the best food substance for a healthy skin. Therefore, if you want to enhance both skin beauty and physical fitness, papaya smoothie is what you should consider.

5. Spinach
Spinach is among the green vegetables that are recommended for general body health. Making a smoothie out of it isn’t such a bad idea after all. It is rich in proteins and fiber that as mentioned earlier make an individual satisfied for long. In addition, it contains calcium for strong healthy teeth and bones. Spinach is also known to contain antioxidants that required for the health of the body. Any other green vegetable can play almost the same role as the spinach. I understand you are only used to blended fruits but blending green leaves is also possible.
6. Banana smoothie
Banana is well known for the larger amounts of potassium it contains. It also contains protein and fiber, the most essential substances for weight loss. Blending a banana for your breakfast is the best thing that you can do to start your day well.
7. Mashed sweet potato smoothie
During winter, you may need a smoothie that warms you up as well as it controls your weight. Blend a hot mashed sweet potato with almond butter. Add maple syrup and cinnamon to the mixture to make it tastier. Sweet potatoes are known to satisfy you for long, therefore, reducing the craving for the unhealthy snacks which encourage weight gain. Weight loss news has featured unhealthy snacks in between meals as a major contributor to the excess weight gain.
8. Pear Smoothie
Ginger is majorly used by most people as a flavor to their food. When blended with a pear, it produces a very sweet smoothie that keeps the unhealthy cravings away. You can also include maple syrup and almond butter into your blend to make it better. If you need it warm, then placing it in a microwave can help you.
Weight is a problem to most individuals in the society today. If only people would put into consideration what they eat, excess weight problem would be long gone. Being able to choose the best meal to control your weight is the best thing that you can do in addition to exercise to make your weight loss plan a success. Smoothie are among the food substances that reduce weight effectively by keeping you satisfied for long and improving the metabolic rate. Excess weight should never be a major cause to your illnesses. Control it to avoid many diseases.

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