Sunday, 31 January 2016

FITNESS: Stay Fitted By Refreshing Smoothie For Flat Stomach

You do your best to get a flat stomach but still there is no evident result. It is high time to introduce the real combination and to get the abs you have always been thinking of.

Kiwi consists mainly of water, so eating them on daily basis will help you reduce the belly fats and at the same time it will satisfy your hunger.

Pineapple is well known to burn calories and extra fat accumulated around the stomach mainly for the presence of the enzyme bromelain.

Oranges will save your stomach from uncomfortable and unwanted expansion. Citrus fruits will not only help you burn belly fat, but also will provide you with the desired nutrients for all vital organs.

If your intake of lemons is regular, then you speed up the process of losing weight and getting tiny belly. The effect that your body gets is amazing as you will manage to flatten your stomach and shape your body.

If you want to contribute to a tiny belly consider eating spinach. Its nutritional profile is accustomed to help the stomach shrink naturally by eliminating the toxins and all unnecessary byproducts. You can also add ginger to your daily routine and observe how your stomach gets smaller and smaller.

Do the magic that your stomach needs by combining these fresh ingredients and prepare this refreshing smoothie.


  • 3 kiwis
  • 1  1/2 cup chopped pineapple
  • a handful of spinach
  • 2 oranges
  • 1 lemon
  • a little bit fresh grated ginger


Use the lemon and the oranges to get freshly squeezed juice. Combine together all the ingredients from the recipe and blend for several seconds till you get creamy smoothie. Pour in glasses and serve immediately.

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