Sunday, 10 January 2016

FOOD: Hylopites with green olives, capers and basil

Image result for Hilopites with green olives

If you don't have any hylopites, any flat pasta will do

1 packet hylopites
½ cup good olive oil
3 cloves garlic
1- teaspoon oregano
1- teaspoon thyme
½ cup green olives
4 teaspoons capers
1 cup peas
Salt and pepper
8 leaves basil cut up with a scissors
Basil leaves whole for decoration

1. Cook pasta and drain
2. In a pan heat oil, add garlic and sauté lightly
3. Add capers, oregano, thyme, olives and basil
4. Add peas and stir till peas are soft.
5. Put pasta in a bowel add the herbs and stir
6. Decorate with fresh basil leaves.

 Image result for Hilopites  


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