Wednesday, 13 January 2016

FOOD: Trahanosoupa (trahana soup)

Image result for Trahanosoupa   

This traditional Greek pasta soup is the perfect shield for the winter chill.

There are two kinds of trahana, the sweet, which is soaked in milk and the sour, which contains yoghurt. The flavours may also vary according to the place of origin and method of drying. Luckily you can find trahana at any Greek deli shop.

1 cup trahana
4 cups of water or vegetable stock
180g feta cheese, crumbled
1 cup milk
1 tsp butter

Add the trahana in a pot filled with the cold water, and wait for it to come to a boil.
Then reduce heat and add the butter while you simmer for 10-20 minutes, stirring occasionally with a wooden spoon.
Add the milk and 5 minutes later add the crumbled cheese in the mix whilst stirring, always making sure the trahana doesn't stick on the bottom.
Cook for a maximum of 5 mins more and remove from heat.
Allow the soup to rest for a few minutes before placing it in bowls.

*A nice twist would also be to add some fresh tomato puree before the feta, instead of milk.


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