A Bishop of the Faith Evangelical Mission Worldwide, Mr Robert Addo has underscored the need for Christians to pay their tithe as weĺl as give offering. Bishop Addo noted that the surest way to enjoy the blessings of God is for christians to give one tenth of their monthy earnings as well as give offering to God. Bishop Robert Addo was delivering a sermon at the Mataheko Branch of the Faith Evangelical Mission Worldwide in Accra.
According to Bishop Addo tithe and offering moves together, therefore there is no way one could decided pay only one of the two. He stated "If you want to enjoy the fruits of your labour and the blessings of God give your tithe and offering. Reading Malachi 3:8, Bishop Addo entreated Christians to pay their tithe correctly and not just put anything in their tithe envelopes.
Touching on the challenges faced by Christians Bishop Addo said "we can do away with these challenges if we go strictly by what the scriptures teaches us " He read Psalm 119 verse 67 which says "Before I was afflicted I went astray but now I obey your word". He blessed the entire congregation and urged them to make sure their lifestyles doesn't contradict that of Christ.
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