One of the old Facebook post by Tracy Maginn who came out days ago claiming her Nigerian husband of 10 years left her and their 2 kids in UK to wed another woman in Nigeria has exposed her - she actually lied.
I am not a nasty person and i hope that from all of this we can as parents do what is right by our children and work together to do what is right by them there that is it all out in the open so that he can move on with his new life and so that i can focus on making myself a better person and being the very best parent i can to my children as they need me and i need them."
Tracy claimed that her "husband" never told her of the woman and she only got to know of his secret marriage from one of his friends’ wife in Nigeria, but Tracy’s 2014 Facebook post showed she and the man, 43yrs old David Akingbogun had serious issues since January 2014 and had seperated, and she was even aware of his plans to re-marry. Below are the details...
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