Sexy Kenyan singer, Victoria Kimani took to her Instagram page to air her frustration on people disrespecting her because she is a woman. Read what she said;
People need to start respecting FEMALE entertainers , presenters, Actors, artists, Models, dancers, business women , PR, managers , PA,s, singers, stylists , DJ's , designers...and Generally all positions in the Entertainment field in AFRICA.... The amount of negativity, rumors, gossip, assumptions, judgement , hypocrisy , Threats and over all EVIL EYE that is pointed towards These particular women is out of this world!
NO!! Just because I'm a female doesn't mean I work for free!! NO! Just because I'm a business woman with standards doesn't make me a Bi$(h .... Yes... If I want to date someone that's A.) My business and B.) Up to my better judgement on who I want to invite into my life. C.) It's complicated .... AND ....NO.... Just because I am singing to you in a cute outfit on stage and on your TV... Does NOT MAKE ME A PROSTITUTE ...
I respect ME... I LOVE ME....I'm Extremely Proud of me ... And I respect YOU and Love you too. Respect the grind and go get yours too! #OneLove #AFRICAmustWakeUP #RESPECTtheWOMANonHERgrind #STRONGgirl
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