Tuesday, 16 February 2016

FITNESS: 3 Incredibly Delicious Banana Drinks To Reduce Weight

Reduce weight in healthy and delicious way without taking weight loss pills! Completely natural way that gives efficient results and makes you feel happy at the same time.

If you are fighting with overweight or want to get rid of a few pounds, or simply want to control your weight, then consider implementing banana on your daily menu. Although banana is considered as an ingredient that must be avoided during the weight loss process we assure you that there is absolutely no need for worries.

They are ideal for people who want to achieve great weight loss results through sound nutrition, while at the same time giving the body the strength it needs. This means that they help you shed pounds and burn fat while boosting energy. They are rich source of fiber, potassium, vitamin B6,

Bananas kill hunger so they help you reduce the number of calories. Due to the presence of potassium they eliminate excess water from the body. Combines with other healthy ingredients that promote healthy weight loss, bananas can be your most powerful weapon in removing pounds from your critical areas. Loaded with fiber makes banana excellent choice for speeding up metabolism which contributes to healthy weight loss in natural manner and without too much effort. Keep in mind that you shouldn’t excess more than one banana a day if you aim at losing weight.

Banana are also known to have tryptohphan which is converted into serotonin” the hormone of happiness” which will reduce your anxiety and make you feel better.

Take these drinks always as breakfast substitute as they are nutritious and will provide will with all the vitamins, minerals and antioxidants necessary for proper function of all vital organs. Here are the 3 incredibly delicious banana drinks to help you lose weight and at the same time improve your mood.

Banana-Strawberry Smoothie

1 banana
1 cup strawberries
1/2 cup apple juice
2 tbsp. flax seeds

Place the listed ingredients in a blender and blend for a while and prepare to taste this incredible banana drink to cut down your weight.

Banana-Pineapple Smoothie

1 banana
1/2 cup pineapple chunks
1 orange, squeezed
2 tbsp. grated ginger

Combine the ingredients in a blender and blend till you get this amazing drink that will help you reduce weight.

Banana-Apple Smoothie

1 banana
1 yellow apple, or whatever you have at hand
1 lemon or lime, squeezed
8 mint leaves, finely chopped
a little bit vanilla

To prepare this tasty and refreshing smoothie, blend the ingredients and enjoy its incredible taste.

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