Tuesday 23 February 2016

FITNESS: The Best Foods To Eat For Fat Loss In The Butt And Hips

If you have a "pear-shaped" body and want to lose weight from your butt and hips, it can be done, but there are several misconceptions regarding weight loss that you should understand. First, there are no foods that actively burn fat off your body. Second, "spot reduction," or in this case, targeting your butt and hips for fat loss, is not possible. You will have to diet and remove body fat proportionally from your entire body to lose inches off your butt and hips.

Fruit is a food that can support your fat-loss goals. This is especially true if you are prone to snacking on foods that are high in sugar, such as candy, ice cream or soda. Fruit is low in calories, high in nutrients and fiber. Even though fruit has sugar, it is not refined or processed sugar that can raise your blood glucose levels, trigger insulin release and promote fat storage. The American Council on Exercise recommends blueberries, grapefruits, oranges and watermelon. Any type of fruit makes a good replacement for high-calorie foods or desserts.

Eating vegetables in place of higher calorie foods can help you lose fat off your entire body and your posterior. The Centers for Disease Control recommends steaming your vegetables and using low-fat salad dressings or herbs if you want to add flavor. Like fruit, nearly every kind of vegetable is a suitable low-calorie, highly nutritious replacement for high-fat or high-sugar foods. The exception to the rule is potatoes. The CDC suggests eating green beans, broccoli and bell peppers. The American Council on Exercise recommends artichokes, spinach and bok choy, but any green vegetable is a good choice.

Lean Protein Foods
Eating lean protein foods can significantly help you lose weight. Replacing high-fat protein foods such as red meat and beef with lean protein foods can significantly reduce your caloric intake. Fish such as salmon, mackerel, flounder and herring are all low-calorie sources of lean protein. The American Council on exercise recommends canned tuna because it is a high-protein food source that has no carbohydrates and virtually no dietary fat. Skinless chicken and turkey are also lean sources of protein. Egg whites, soy products and beans can support your fat-loss goals as well. Saturated fat is the type that you want to avoid and keep below 10 percent of your daily calories with the rest of your fats coming from monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. The 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends that total fat consumption should not exceed 35 percent of your daily calories. On a 2,000-calorie diet, 35 percent equals 65 grams of fat or 700 calories.

Eating Fat Doesn’t Make You Fat
According to the Harvard School of Public Health, in addition to exceeding your daily calorie needs, the type of fat in your diet not the amount of fat is what causes weight gain and increases your risk for disease. A Harvard study published in the June 23, 2011 issue of the “New England Journal of Medicine,” followed 120,000 men and women’s lifestyles and eating behaviors for 20 years. Researchers discovered people who ate more nuts -- a high-fat food -- whole grains, fruits and vegetables gained less weight than people who ate more red meat, processed meats, french fries, sugary beverages and refined grains. Foods that increase satiety, such as healthy fats, may help reduce overall calorie intake.

How to Lose Weight With These Foods
Regardless of how many fruits, vegetables or lean sources of protein you add to you diet, you must understand how weight loss occurs if you are going to lose fat. To lose weight, you need to burn more calories than you consume. The CDC says the key to achieving this through diet is to replace high-calorie foods with low-calorie foods. Replace ice cream with fruit. Replace rice or pasta with vegetables. Replace prime rib with salmon. While exercise will certainly help, creating a caloric deficiency by burning more calories than you eat, is the key to losing weight. Weight loss is not particularly complex, but it does require a commitment and often many dietary and lifestyle changes. Consult your doctor or a registered dietitian if you need further assistance with your weight-loss goals.


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