Thursday, 18 February 2016

FITNESS: Does Jiggling Your Thighs Help Them Lose Fat?

Thigh fat can be an annoying thing, especially if you are self-conscious about it or if it causes your thighs to rub together when you are walking. While jiggling your thighs your won't get rid of thigh fat, losing weight by exercising and eating a healthy, low-calorie diet will. Consult your doctor before you begin any kind of weight-loss or exercise regimen.

Spot Reduction
Jiggling the thighs to reduce the fat deposited there is referred to as spot reduction. Unfortunately, spot reduction is a myth, says the American Council on Exercise. Weight loss will be spread throughout the body. Working out the thighs should not be avoided, however, because they can benefit from being strengthened and toned. Once the fat disappears, the definition and tone will be highlighted.

Weight Loss
The only way to get rid of thigh fat is by focusing on an overall weight-loss program, and expending more calories than you consume is the way to accomplish that. recommends dropping 500 calories a day from your normal, needed diet to start the process. If you are taking in as many calories as you are consuming, removing those calories will create a deficit of 3,500 calories in a week, which will allow you to lose 1 lb. of fat. Eating healthful, low-fat foods such as lean meats, whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables will help keep your calories down while providing adequate nutrition. Avoid eating too many foods that are high in added sugar, salt and fat, as they easily lead to weight gain if consumed in excess.

Jiggling the thighs can burn calories if you do a lot of it, but it's not the best exercise to lose weight. The American Council on Exercise recommends performing some form of cardio exercise, such as running, jogging or biking, 45 minutes or more at a time, five to six days a week to lose weight. Running or biking also works the thigh muscles. Adding strength training that focuses on the thighs can also help, as long as you don't overdo it.

Where you lose fat in your body is largely determined by genetics, sex and body type. If you are a women, you will most likely have more trouble losing fat in the thighs than a man will. If you have an apple-shaped body, you will have more difficulty losing thigh fat than someone that is tall and lean. For safety's sake, consult a doctor before you start your weight-loss or exercise regimen. He can check your health and may make specific suggestions regarding your diet and exercise regimen

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