Tuesday, 2 February 2016

FITNESS: How To Get Skinny Legs Fast With Exercises

If you want to slim down your legs, make modifications to your workout routine. An effective lower-body workout should include exercises to activate your quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes and calves. Because it is not possible to spot-reduce weight, you need to reduce your total body weight to trim inches off your legs. Include high-intensity leg workouts in your full-body exercise routine and follow a balanced, healthy diet to help you get skinny legs fast.

Step 1
Train your legs two times per week. Include exercises to target each muscle in your lower body, including your quadriceps, hamstrings, calves and glutes. Use light to moderate resistance; completing a set of 25 repetitions should be a challenge.

Step 2
Perform sumo squats to tone your quadriceps, hamstrings and glutes while engaging your inner thighs. Stand with your legs slightly wider than shoulder width apart. Hold a barbell with your arms down in front of you. Lower your hips toward the floor until your knees are bent at 90 degrees. Keep your chest elevated throughout the movement. Press your body up until your legs are straight, returning to the starting position. Repeat for three sets of 20 repetitions.

Step 3
Execute dumbbell stationary lunges to work your thighs, calves and butt. Begin in a split stance with your right leg in front and left in back. Position your arms at your sides with a dumbbell in each hand. Lower your left knee toward the floor until your right knee is bent at a 90-degree angle. Press yourself up and return to the starting position. Repeat for three sets of 20 repetitions.

Step 4
Perform jump squats, which use explosive movement to stimulate your quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes and calves. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Sit your hips back until your knees are bent at 90 degrees. Jump straight into the air using maximum force. Land in the squat position. Repeat the exercise for three sets of 20 repetitions.

Step 5
Execute single leg squats to tone your thighs and glutes. Stand with your back facing a flat bench or chair. Place your right foot behind you on the bench so your body is in a split stance. Extend your arms out to the sides for balance. Lower your hips toward the floor until your left knee is bent at 90 degrees. Press yourself up and return to the starting position. Repeat for three sets of 20 repetitions on each leg.

Step 6
Engage in cardiovascular intervals four to five days per week. Pedal on the elliptical machine at a fast pace with light resistance for two minutes and pedal at a slow pace with high resistance for two minutes. Alternate speeds for 30 minutes. Add variety to your interval cardio workouts by using the treadmill, step mill or stationary bike


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