Sunday 28 February 2016

FITNESS: Pineapple 3 Day Diet

Losing a significant amount of weight in just three days on a crash diet or detox diet may sound appealing, especially when the diet involves a delicious fruit like pineapple. This type of diet isn't likely to result in lasting weight loss, however, and could damage your health if you attempt to follow it for more than just a few days. Replacing some of the less nutritious foods in your diet with pineapple while getting a bit more exercise is a healthier way to slim down.

Pineapple 3-Day Diet Basics
The pineapple diet is just what it sounds like -- a diet that centers around eating pineapple. While some versions of the diet limit you to pineapple only, other versions allow you to eat pineapple and tuna. The slightly more nutritious pineapple and tuna version involves eating 2 kilograms of pineapple per day, with one of your meals including up to 4 ounces of tuna. Whichever option you choose, you'd be following a fad diet that bans large groups of healthy foods, which isn't the best way to lose weight.

Pineapple Diet Nutrition
Eating 2 kilograms of fresh pineapple provides 1,000 calories with just over 2 grams of fat and 10 grams of protein. Pineapple is a good source of vitamin C and manganese, but it doesn't provide enough of many of the other essential vitamins and minerals to be your sole source of nutrition. If you add chunk light tuna, opt for the oil-packed instead of the water-packed version, as it provides more nutrients. Each 4-ounce serving has 220 calories along with about 33 grams of protein and 9 grams of fat plus significant amounts of many, but not all, of the vitamins and minerals missing in pineapple. You'll still be getting way too little calcium, iron, potassium, zinc, vitamin A, vitamin E and some of the B vitamins, for example.

Calorie Considerations
Eating too few calories can cause your metabolism to slow and limit weight loss. The combination of 2 kilograms of pineapple and 4 ounces of tuna provides just 1,220 calories, which is slightly above the recommended minimum calories of 1,200 per day for women, but way under the recommended minimum of 1,800 calories per day for men. Men might want to increase their portion sizes if they attempt this diet, perhaps adding two more 4-ounce servings of lean protein, like chicken, and 300 additional grams of pineapple to reach a total of 1,810 calories.

Pineapple Diet and Weight Loss
Eating fewer calories than you burn leads to weight loss, but eating a diet of nothing but pineapple isn't healthy. There isn't any scientific evidence to suggest that pineapple, in particular, is good for losing weight. However, eating more fruits and vegetables, in general, can help increase weight loss, according to a study published in PLOS Medicine in 2015. Berries, apples and pears were among the best fruits for this purpose, so you may slim down more if you mix up your fruit choices rather than relying on pineapple alone.

Eating pineapple all by itself can make your blood sugar more likely to spike, as it's a medium-glycemic-index food. The glycemic index indicates how much and how quickly foods usually increase blood sugar levels after you eat them, with higher-GI foods being more likely to cause sudden jumps in blood sugar. Diets lower on the glycemic index and higher in protein appear to be better for weight loss than higher-GI, lower-protein diets, according to a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine in 2010. Eating foods higher in protein or healthy fats, such as lean meat or low-fat dairy products, along with your pineapple will help you lower the overall GI of your meal, potentially improving your weight-loss results.

Pineapple Diet Potential Side Effects
Very restrictive diets, such as the pineapple diet, can cause some unpleasant side effects. During fast weight loss, most of the weight comes from water weight and muscle, rather than fat. The water weight loss can cause dehydration, and you may feel dizzy, have headaches and become fatigued. When you eat too few calories, you're also more likely to feel depressed or stressed. As long as you don't make a habit of fad diets and don't follow the pineapple diet for longer than three days, you'll most likely avoid the more serious side effects of extreme dieting, such as nutrient deficiencies, low blood pressure, irregular heartbeat and electrolyte imbalances.

A More Balanced Approach
You'd be better off including pineapple as part of a balanced reduced-calorie diet and exercise plan than closely following the pineapple diet. Cutting 500 to 1,000 calories from your typical diet each day will help you lose between 1 and 2 pounds per week. You can use pineapple as part of the recommended 1 1/2 to 2 cups of fruit per day for adults. For example, replace part or all of your typical dessert with 1/2 cup of pineapple, trade some of the meat in your stir-fry for pineapple or include pineapple in a smoothie for breakfast or a snack. You'll burn a few more calories, increase weight loss and limit muscle loss if you add exercise to your diet plan. Aim for about 300 minutes of moderate-intensity cardio, such as biking or brisk walking, and two strength-training sessions per week.


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