Tuesday, 9 February 2016

FITNESS: Ways To Tighten A Flabby Stomach

Carrying around excess weight is never healthy, but it's even more dangerous when it's excess belly fat. Visceral abdominal fat increases your risk of developing health problems such as high blood pressure and cholesterol, type 2 diabetes and heart disease. To eliminate and tighten your flabby stomach, you need to focus on losing overall body fat and toning your entire body. Make gradual modifications to your diet and begin or continue a regular exercise program to get on with tightening a flabby stomach. Consult your doctor before beginning any new diet or exercise regimen.

Reduce Caloric Intake
Reducing the number of calories you eat each day leads to weight loss. One pound of fat translates to 3,500 calories, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Find ways to cut 500 to 1,000 calories from your daily intake to lose around 1 to 2 lbs. a week. Reduce your portion sizes and avoid going back for a second helping. A steady and gradual weight loss of 1 or 2 lbs. a week until you reach your weight-loss goal increases the chance you'll keep the weight off.

Eat Healthier
Reducing the amount of high-fat, high-calories food you consume helps eliminate calories quickly. Eat whole foods such as legumes, whole grains, low- or non-fat dairy products, lean protein and fresh produce, which are high in nutritional value. Opt for carrot sticks, a piece of fruit, low-fat yogurt or nuts instead of processed junk foods to raise your energy levels and reduce calories. Prepare recipes at home so you know exactly what goes into each meal. Drink water to replace high-calorie soft drinks, lattes or energy drinks.

Aerobic Exercise

If you don't already, begin an aerobic exercise routine. Aerobic activity burns calories and fat while improving your cardiovascular fitness level. Start with 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise on most, if not all, days of the week. Choose any exercise or activity that raises your heart rate, including cycling, brisk walking, swimming, jogging or attending a fitness class. As your stamina improves, aim for 60 or more minutes of aerobic activity each day.

Interval Training

Increasing the intensity of your workout helps you burn calories faster while boosting your metabolism. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, performing intense exercise causes your metabolism to continue burning calories once you've finished your workout. This boost in metabolism can last for a few minutes after light activity or several hours after prolonged, intense exercise. Interval training involves alternating bouts of high-intensity exercise with moderate- to low-intensity exercise. For example, walk or jog for one minute, then sprint for 30 seconds. Continue alternating intervals for a minimum of 30 minutes. Increase the length of the higher-intensity intervals as your strength and stamina improve.

Strength Training

Tighten your flabby stomach by increasing your muscle mass as you drop pounds. Include a strength-training element in your exercise program two or more times a week, on alternating days. Resistance-training tools such as machines, free weights, tubing, medicine balls and your body weight help build lean muscle mass. Building lean muscle helps your body burn more calories, according to the American Council on Exercise. Perform two or three sets of 12 to 15 repetitions each of both upper- and lower-body exercises to shape and tone your entire body.

Target the Core

Exercises that target the core work the abdominals as well as deep muscles in the back. Include core work and abdominal exercises as part of your regular exercise routine to help tone your abdominals and strengthen your core. Once you've burned off the fat, toning the muscles underneath will help tighten your waistline.

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