In metabolism, it is important to know that the best and most effective time for its acceleration is early in the morning, right after you wake up.
This recipe for weight loss with only three ingredients cause a global euphoria, largely due to positive reactions of all those who have tried it.
In addition, read all that you need to make this delicious and effective tea.
- green tea
- cinnamon
- bay leaf
- In 800 milliliters of boiling water add 1 stick cinnamon, bay leaf (3 leaves) and flat teaspoon green tea.
- Cover tea with a lid, let stand 15 minutes, then drain.
Method of application:
- Drink the first cup of tea on an empty stomach.
- Second cup drink it immediately after breakfast, and the third at night before bedtime.
This tea lowers 8 inches from waist for only 7 days
With consumption of three cups of this tea are guaranteed to get rid of excess weight, especially in the critical areas of the body such as the stomach, legs and waist, and according to those who have tried and felt its effects, the first results will be visible only after a week.
All three ingredients burn fat and boost metabolism, and means that any attempt to accelerate the metabolism and weight loss should be accompanied by a balanced diet and moderate physical activity.
Caution: Not recommended for pregnant women and nursing mothers.
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