Tuesday 23 February 2016

Gists: Obiageli Ojogbo Grooms, What Colour Of Bride Do You Think You’re Getting?

Grooms, have you ever wondered what your bride is thinking as she walks towards you on that day that would mark the beginning of the rest of your life? Really think about it: are you sure that if you could read your bride’s mind, you would still go ahead with the wedding?

So tell me what kind of bride do you think you are getting, “ladies what kind of bride were you  honestly”
Bride one:
“Thank God I am marrying the love of my life. I have waited for so long, now my special day is here. I thank my lucky stars for the day … decided I was the girl who caught his eye, making a move on me to become the lady who captured his heart. I vow that my home would be wonderful. I would be the best wife and partner. Oh I feel so giddy. He loves me, I know he does. I see the way he look at me, if it is not love I see in his eyes, colour me blind”
Bride two:
“I know I can make this work. Many people have less yet they make a go of it; I will do the same. What really is love when there is no money? He has money and he has prospects. I will be comfortable. Yes, I would be, and love would come after. I can’t really do worse. 10 years down the line when I am enjoying all my wealth I won’t remember this feeling. I will be somebody of worth in the society. Yes this is worth marrying for, colour me vain”
Bride three:
“Finally my day is here. I was beginning to wonder if I would end up alone. After all these years I get a ring on this finger, I get to know what it feels like to be a wife. All my friends are married with kids, now I get to join them. Old age almost stole my joy but I came out victorious. Whether I love him or not is not even the issue, as far as he has proposed. Colour me taken”
Bride four:
“Am I doing the right thing? I know I have known him for years, we claim to be best friend but am I marrying him because I love him or because he is the safe choice? Yes he is the safe choice. Even though he is not my Mr. Right, we can have a good marriage. What if I meet someone and fall in love? Oh colour me confused.”
Bride five:
“I am settling for less this I know. This is not the kind of guy I would even consider in a million years. Where were all the guys with swagger, tall, handsome, money, you know na? I can’t even hold my head high. I am sure everyone knows I am settling for less, even the groom. Hmmm colour me resigned.”
Bride six:
“I hate him. Why am I even marrying this man? I know this is wrong. We don’t even like each other. What is the point of this sham? I would marry him smiling to the whole world while secretly dying inside. I am going to turn into a bitter lady, damn Colour me red.”
Bride seven:
“I know you don’t love me, if you had your way you would not even be standing there waiting for me. You love … well guess what, you have to make do with me because I am not going anywhere. You will love me even if you have to force it. I won’t mind that it is fake, I won’t mind that you don’t love me. As long as your home and family is with me I will ignore it all and make my home work. If I can endure your fake loving then get ready to fake love away, colour me ready”
Bride eight:
“It is about time we got married. We have been dating for almost a decade. We already behave like married couples, I guess in a way we were. I am at the point where the sparks are dim and there is really nothing to look forward to. We have done it all. I was married before I became a bride. Nothing would really change, so colour me frozen”
Photo CreditDreamstime


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