You came home from church, the sermon was quite long, the drama group staged a play, the Children Department had a presentation and finally, service is over and you hurry home to cook lunch. Everyone wants fried rice. You try your best to make a quick meal with beans but however quicker, the vegetables must be cleaned , chopped and added. Your 3 kids are all younger then 10, in short the oldest is 5 and they cannot really assist in the kitchen. By the time lunch is ready, hunger has wired some people to sleep, Your Nigerian Hubby is entering the kitchen and coming out more than usual. Now, food is ready. You too are starving. Whose plate will you/should fix first? let be realistic.
FOOD: Gopa with aubergine dip
Preheat the oven to 200°C and pierce the aubergines with a fork or skewer in several places. Cook in the oven till they soften, for around 20 minutes, and then remove. Once they are cool enough to handle, peel and …Read More
FOOD: Hylopites with green olives, capers and basil
If you don't have any hylopites, any flat pasta will doIngredients:1 packet hylopites½ cup good olive oil3 cloves garlic1- teaspoon oregano1- teaspoon thyme½ cup green olives4 teaspoons capers1 cup peasSalt and pe…Read More
FOOD: Peas with potatoes
A healthy warm dinner for the fast, see how to make you home cool with itIngredients:500 grams peas shelled500 grams potatoes peeled cut into large cubes1 large onion finely diced5 ripe tomatoes peeled and diced¼ cu…Read More
FOOD: Eggs with spinach, fresh tomato and feta
Here is a one-pan recipe that is beautifully flavoured and freshly presented, which will surely impress your family and friends.Ingredients:4 large eggs200 grams baby spinach1 large tomato (chopped)100 grams feta3 t…Read More
Gists: FOOD: Pork cooked in wine
Crush the coriander seeds in a pestle and mortar or pulse-blend in a blender, taking care not to over-grind.Put the meat in bowl (not metal) and mix with the coriander, before pouring the wine over, making sure it c…Read More
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