You came home from church, the sermon was quite long, the drama group staged a play, the Children Department had a presentation and finally, service is over and you hurry home to cook lunch. Everyone wants fried rice. You try your best to make a quick meal with beans but however quicker, the vegetables must be cleaned , chopped and added. Your 3 kids are all younger then 10, in short the oldest is 5 and they cannot really assist in the kitchen. By the time lunch is ready, hunger has wired some people to sleep, Your Nigerian Hubby is entering the kitchen and coming out more than usual. Now, food is ready. You too are starving. Whose plate will you/should fix first? let be realistic.
This is obvious, but as vegans, we eat a LOT of vegetables. Like veggie poundage. Our local CSA helps a lot with our veggie needs by delivering us a lovely box of fresh organic vegetables every week. This is gre…Read More
Gists: How To Cook Cow Tail Pepper Soup
Cow tail, cow leg and fresh cow skin (kpomo) are best cooked with a pressure cooker if you want to leave the kitchen fast. Once the cooker starts sizzling and wheezing, I wait fifteen minutes and turn off the …Read More
Gists: Nigerian Foods To Avoid During Pregnancy
A pot of isi ewu cooked with potash..
Ngwongwo: (Not the goat meat type, I mean dog meat ngwongwo). This is a dog meat delicacy from Calabar also known as forty forty. Not all Cros…Read More
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