Wednesday, 23 March 2016

FITNESS: Does China Slim Tea Help You Lose Weight?

China Slim may help you lose some weight, but it's not the kind of weight loss that lasts. Like any product that promises a quick fix to your weight problem, it's not a permanent solution and may be unsafe. A healthy approach to weight loss includes a sensible diet and increasing your activity level. Be sure to consult your doctor before adding any weight-loss remedy, including China Slim tea, to your diet plan.

Senna to Lose Weight
When you take a look at the ingredients list, you'll notice that the primary ingredient in China Slim tea is senna. Senna is a natural FDA-approved over-the counter laxative that is used to treat constipation or clear the bowels before a medical procedure such as a colonoscopy. It's also used for weight loss. However, while there is evidence to support the use of senna for constipation and bowel clearing, there is insufficient evidence that it helps promote weight loss, according to Medline Plus.

Another Ingredient in China Slim Tea
In addition to senna, China Slim Tea also contains American ginseng, which is a root that is often used as an herbal supplement to help boost energy. However, ginseng may not offer much help for weight loss, other than possibly giving you a boost in energy to be more active. According to a 2004 article published in American Family Physician, current clinical trials show that ginseng is no better at helping people lose weight than a placebo.

Ginseng may have other benefits, though. American ginseng is a source of ginsenoside, the substance believed to have the purported medicinal properties. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, there is evidence to support the claims that the ginseng in products like China Slim tea may help improve mental performance and an overall sense of well-being. It may also give your immune system a boost and lower your risk of cancer, says UMMC.

China Slim Tea and Weight Loss
There is a misconception that frequent bowel movements caused by teas such as China Slim prevent your body from absorbing all the calories you consume from food, says Columbia Health. Although your body continues to absorb all the calories you consume when drinking China Slim tea, it does lose some essential nutrients, including water and electrolytes. When you lose weight drinking China Slim, you're not losing fat, but water weight.

Side Effects and Safety
There are some side effects and health concerns when drinking teas such as China Slim. In addition to the cramping, abdominal discomfort and diarrhea, drinking China Slim tea, or any other supplement with senna for more than two weeks may affect the health of your bowels and cause you to become dependent on laxatives. Also, long-term use may cause an electrolyte imbalance, which may affect heart function or lead to muscle weakness or liver damage.

You should also be aware that American ginseng may cause high blood pressure, insomnia, vomiting, diarrhea, headaches or low blood sugar. If you have any health conditions, such as hypertension or diabetes, consult with your doctor before brewing a cup of China Slim.


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