Sunday, 20 March 2016

FITNESS: How To Lose Belly Fat With A Stability Ball

A stability ball is a simple tool that can tone the belly and cultivate core strength, providing your abdominals and surrounding areas with a varied workout. The presence of belly fat usually means a weak core center. And so, it is essential to not only strengthen the lower core or belly area, but also the muscles that provide stability to this region: the hips, spine and chest, according to To build muscle, keep fat away, and enjoy some recovery time, move through this abdominal strengthening series three times a week. Start with three sets and 10 reps of each exercise. Gradually increase your set and rep amount as you become stronger.

Stability Ball Pushups
Step 1

Bring the laces of your shoes onto the stability ball.

Step 2
Walk your hands out in front of you enough that your spine is straight and in an extended plank pose.

Step 3
Lower your chest down to your elbows and press back up.

Step 1

Bring your laces back to the stability ball and walk your hands out to your plank pose.

Step 2
Engage your core muscles to lift your hips skyward as you breathe in.

Step 3
Lengthen back to your plank pose as you breathe out.

Ball Between Feet/Legs to the sky
Step 1

Lie flat on your back with your legs toward the sky.

Step 2
Bring the stability ball between your feet and actively press the legs in toward one another, squeezing the stability ball.

Step 3
Lengthen the legs and ball straight out in front of you so your heels draw down 2 inches off the floor as you breathe in.

Step 4
Lengthen your legs and stability ball toward the sky as you breathe out.

Step 1

Bring the laces of your shoes back onto the stability ball.

Step 2
Walk yourself out into your plank position.

Step 3
Draw your knees in toward your right side as you breathe in.

Step 4
Lengthen back to your plank position as you breathe out. Alternate right and left side.

Things Needed

Stability ball, or Fitness ball
Athletic shoes

Wearing shoes helps to stabilize you on the stability ball.

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