Amber Rose came to Kim Kardashian-West‘s defense about her NSFW photo, that has had everyone from Piers Morgan to veteran Hollywood actress Bette Midler talking.
She wants Kim (and her sisters) to come and speak at her second annual Slutwalk.
She wrote on her Instagram page:
I don’t know u well but I saw u speak about slut shaming and as u know I’m an activist feminist so it spoke to me. Being Slut shamed and ridiculed is not fun it’s hurtful and mean. Us women deal with it everyday and I’m happy u can speak openly on this now because if anyone knows what it’s like to be Slut Shamed it’s u! Live it Kim! Make a difference and speak on it! Not only when it’s convenient for u but when u can help others.Last year at my Slutwalk I told my Slut shaming story. This year I would love for u to come and tell urs. This is an open invite from me to u and ur sisters are welcomed tooLet’s let the naysayers know u are so much more then a sex tape (13 years ago)
fuck it own it. Ur a mom and a business woman, a wife, sister and daughter. Hope we can make this happen #AmberRoseSlutWalk2016
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