Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Gists: How 5 Cups Of Water A Day And Social Media Boosted My Confidence And Faded My Stretch Marks

Portrait of mid adult african american woman
It almost cost me everything, first it took away my dress sense then gradually it ate away my self-confidence – I just couldn’t look at myself in the mirror when I am all bare. But I tried my best to keep my chin up; my logical defense was that I didn’t get enough routine exercise knowing that my daily carbs intake is high – forget it, I love eating rice and that isn’t about to change anytime soon So, the stretch marks just had to be there but how fast these adipose marks were taking over my entire body began to give me some sort of concern. Stretch marks are most ladies’ nightmare; mine defied everything I threw at it and just kept coming; creeping up my buttocks like burning fingers of lava, scarring deep into my skin till it scorched my cleavage and underarm.

Ouch!  I hated those underarm impressions the most because you just couldn’t hide those easily like the ones on the buns. I know I needed to do something about but what exactly eluded – frankly; routine exercise is not my thing.  I am not that athletic, I tire easily on rigorous stuff like running planking and pushups. Trekking is just fine by me.
It kind of pricked my self-confidenceEvery woman loves to look good even so when you have a man in your life. Your looks and groom assume a special place in your life. So, I didn’t totally like the way I looked whenever I stood bare before our standing mirror. Harry (my husband) didn’t think the marks were as bad as I made them look but the issue remained that I kind of withdrew from him, especially when his eyes are examining my body. This created some kind of tension when we’re together, you know, couple things. Harry wasn’t bothered about my stretch marks, maybe it is a thing of decision; not to exert energy on a totally surface issue like stretch marks. But being a woman (and you know we can be a little too vain) the marks bothered me a lot, I must add.
But thank goodness help came and in the most unlikely way, through social media.
It took a health tip shared on a friend’s Palmchat page to change my awkward situation into something of a miracle. The Palmchat broadcast read: “Healing secret for stretch marks: five cups of water each day and the scars runaway!”
image01Social media is still a force for goodA lot happen on social media these days and I agree, not all the things we see on social sites are right but every once in a while, great stuff pop up on social media. In my case, it was that singular health tip my friend Olic shared on his Palmchat page; the broadcast was more than timely for me, it literally lifted my burden.
I followed the tip religiously for months; drinking as much water as I can each day and gosh, the result was simply astonishing! Those ugly stretch marks are disappearing, especially around my butt area.
Simple things matter muchLook at me now, I am so loving my body again and I am very comfortable to have my man examine me when we’re in the mood. What I have experienced for some people may not make any sense because well, some people are not as vain as other I guesslol. They can easily shrug off their ravaging marks and move on with life. But the truth remains that there are millions of people out there who are like me, people who struggle emotionally to deal with something as trivial as stretch marks on their bodies. It is for these ones that I decided to write this article, to share my little body secret.
Over the years I have metamorphosed and my career path has taken an interesting twist; I am a beauty psychologist. Today, social media is my ever engaging office: Facebook, Twitter, BBM but most importantly Palmchat. These online platforms are where I hold my counseling and mentoring sessions and share beauty tips. Knowledge they say is the wheel of success in life, so always desire knowledge and I hope this tip will help you be comfortable in your skin-you should be.


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