Thursday, 24 March 2016

Gists: Watch Boko Haram Leader Abubakar Shekau’s New Video – “For me the end has come”

Shekau Bella NaijaAfter almost one year of silence, the Boko Haram Kingpin has resurfaced to assure his followers that he’s still alive, but the end has come for him in the Jihadist movement.
The weak looking Shekau, Speaking in Hausa and Arabic also sought “Allah’s” protection from evil.

Watch here:

Read his statement here as translated by DailyMail
This is a message of greeting and joy for you to see my face,”
This is my desire: that whoever sees this will hear nothing but greetings between me and you. Only Allah knows the rest, as you believed (and) as you submitted. For me the end has come.
This is only the message I want to send to you for you to understand that this is certainly I. This is why I did this.
May Allah protect us so that no hypocrite stands between us. May Allah protect us from the devil so that he doesn’t achieve his evil among us.
May Allah protect us and may we stand firm on the path of Allah. I thank my creator.
According to DailyMail’s report, a military source at Maiduguri said that that was a farewell video, and the “game is over” for the leader of the group that has killed about 20,000 people since 2009.
“Watching Shekau in this video, the message is clear: the game is over. For this arrogant and boastful terrorist to speak in such a meek and subdued tone shows he has been trounced beyond his imagination. It is farewell video. He is just telling his fighters they should forget their illusionary Islamic state and lay down their arms. He knows that with the current advance of the Nigerian military our troops will soon reach him.” He said.
However, according to Vanguard, the Nigeria military have said that it is subjecting the video to forensic analysis, and will not relent in its efforts to put an end to Boko Haram and insurgency in the country.

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