Sunday, 10 April 2016

Gists: - Hope For Nigeria

CORRUPTION & WASTAGE: Buhari And Jonathan, At A Glance. FACT IS FACT.
1] Jonathan sold Petrol at N87 while Buhari is selling at average of N300 & above, yet Buhari supporters think
Jonathan was more corrupt and wasteful.
2] When Jonathan Budgeted N1bn for feeding in Aso-Rock in 2011, and N517m in 2015, APC cried wolf and
now Buhari's budget for same is N1.7billion. Yet Buharists are mute and still think GEJ was more corrupt and
wasteful. 3] Jonathan spent N1.4bn to service all presidential jets in one year while Buhari spends N6bn on same in
6month yet Buharists
think GEJ was more corrupt and wasteful.
4] Jonathan gave more funding to education while Buhari's 2016
budget favours Ministry of information more than education
yet Buharists think GEJ was more corrupt/wasteful. 5] Jonathan spent an average of N8million on each international
trip while Buhari spends an average of N55million on each
international trip, yet Buharists think GEJ was more corrupt and

6] Jonathan created Over 5.8millon jobs in 5yrs while buhari has
sacked over 2million workers in 8months. Check Federal Bureau of Statistics.
7] Jonathan made Nigeria's economy the best in Africa and No 1 investment destination & quadrupled our GDP
in 4yrs while Buhari has dragged Nigeria's economy down to 14th position in ranking in just 7months.
8] Jonathan left Naira exchange rate @ N185 to $1 but Buhari with his Adama and Eve economics has
destroyed the Naira in just 8 months which now sells at N315 to $1.
9] It took Jonathan less than 2weeks to select his cabinet including foreign based technocrats while it took Buhari 6months to do same. Even with indicted people and no single economist among the 36 names.
10] Buhari claimed that subsidy was fraud (Who is subsidizing who@) but buhari has spent N1.2trillion on fuel
subsidy in the last 5 months and still no fuel while all Buharists have suddenly gone dumb.
11] Buhari/APC accused Jonathan of corruption but have not been able to pin one stain on him, while
Muhammadu Buhari himself followed the crowd that entered into the‪#‎DasukiGate‬. 12] Under Jonathan freedom and liberty of Nigerians was not determined by party affiliation, but today under
Buhari his perceived enemies and political opponents are leveled with frivolous allegations of crimes and
intimidated with either the EFCC or the DSS.
13] Buhari does not have an Honorary WAEC but bags an
illegal Honorary (Ph.D) from a university that have no PhD student and Not approved by NUC and yet Buharists
respect his NEPA Bill more than GEJ's PhD. 14. Buhari used his secondary school principal's recommendation letter to become Military Head of State and
again used Court Affidavit to become President and no one reminded him that these are the height of
He Refused to declare his assets public, suppressing the FOI and denied all his 81 election promises and
stayed in the last 8 months blaming former leaders. Jonathan was in that position, he never complained or
blamed anyone, but faced his work even when Buhari's disgruntled brother ensured that Nigeria will know no peace. 


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