Of all earthly gifts the Almighty could extend to man, that of having a loving and caring mother is the best. I thought this is true. I thought this is a reality. It is true because every mother, and indeed every woman is a bearer of the womb. The womb in Arab-Islamic culture is known as ‘al-Rahm’- the locale of love, the genome of compassion, the epicentre of warmth and care. Al-Rahm is derived from one of the attributes of the Almighty- al-Rahman: the Compassionate. The Almighty is the Compassionate simply because His love for His creatures is un-requitable. The love the bearers of the womb from which we derive our essence has for us is equally beyond imagination. Mother’s love is like the love of the soul for the soul. CONTINUE READING...
Thursday, 12 May 2016
Gist: Checkout Absent Mothers On Mother’s Day
Of all earthly gifts the Almighty could extend to man, that of having a loving and caring mother is the best. I thought this is true. I thought this is a reality. It is true because every mother, and indeed every woman is a bearer of the womb. The womb in Arab-Islamic culture is known as ‘al-Rahm’- the locale of love, the genome of compassion, the epicentre of warmth and care. Al-Rahm is derived from one of the attributes of the Almighty- al-Rahman: the Compassionate. The Almighty is the Compassionate simply because His love for His creatures is un-requitable. The love the bearers of the womb from which we derive our essence has for us is equally beyond imagination. Mother’s love is like the love of the soul for the soul. CONTINUE READING...
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