Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Gists: Aunt viv Janet Hubert blasts the Smiths for calling for 2016 Oscars Bycott

Janet Hubert , best known as “Aunt Viv” on “The Fresh
Prince of Bel-Air,” is blasting Will Smith and Jada
Pinkett Smith over the Oscars race controversy.
As Gossip Cop has reported, Pinkett is calling for a
boycott of next month’s Academy Awards after no black
actors, including her husband, were nominated. Last
week’s nominations announcement, in fact, marked the
second year in a row that only white actors were
nominated. Now, in a video posted to Facebook Monday
night addressed to “To the Smiths!” Hubert criticizes
Smith and his wife for their stance.
“First of all, Miss Thing,” begins Hubert, “does your man
not have a mouth of his own with which to speak?” She
goes on, “The second thing, girlfriend, there’s a lot of
sh*t going on in the world that you all don’t seem to
recognize. People are dying. Our boys are being shot
left and right. People are starving. People are trying to
pay bills. And you’re talking about some [expletive]
actors and Oscars. It just ain’t that deep.”
Hubert continues, “And here’s the other thing: For you to
ask other actors, and other black actresses and actors,
too, to jeopardize their career and their standing in a
town that you know damn well you don’t do that. And
here’s the other thing: They don’t care. They don’t care!
And I find it ironic that somebody who has made their
living, made their living and made millions and millions
of dollars from the very people you’re talking about
boycotting just because you didn’t get a nomination, just
because you didn’t win.”
“That isn’t how life works, baby,” Hubert rants. “It’s
very suspect to me.” She then recalls an incident during
“Fresh Prince” when Smith allegedly refused her request
to negotiate together (a la the “Friends” cast) to get
better deals. “Well karma must be a bitch, cause now
here you are. Here you are, you’ve had a few flops and
you know there are those out there who really deserved
a nod.”
Calling the also-snubbed Idris Elba an “incredible actor,”
Hubert says to her former co-star, “You are not. Maybe
you didn’t deserve a nomination. I didn’t think, frankly,
you deserved a Golden Globes nomination with that
accent, but you got one. And just because the world
doesn’t go the way you want it to go, doesn’t mean you
can go out and start asking people to stand up and sing
‘We Shall Overcome’ for you.”
“You ain’t Barack and Michelle Obama,” Hubert further
says. “And you all need to get over yourselves. You
have a huge production company that you only produce
your friends, your family, and yourself. So you are a part
of Hollywood, you are a part of the system that is unfair
to other actors, so get real!”
Towards the end, Hubert predicts that people will think
she’s being “bitter,” but she insists, “It’s about being
right. Some of us got mortgages to pay. We got bills to
pay. We got bigger sh*t to worry about than the
Oscars.” Hubert and Smith have actually had bad blood
for years, and a falling out between them led her role on
“Fresh Prince” to be recast with Daphne Reid in 1993.

Check out the full video she posted on her facebook page.

Culled from gossipcop.com

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