Monday 29 February 2016

FITNESS: How To Burn Stomach Fat Without Running

Take a drive through virtually any neighborhood and you're likely to see someone running in an effort to lose weight or maintain her physique. This simple exercise burns calories quickly and can help you transform your body, but it's far from the only way to get in shape. If you find running difficult or just have an aversion to the activity, it's possible to burn your body fat -- including the fat around your stomach  through a variety of other exercises. Always consult your doctor before starting any new diet or exercise regimen.

Step 1
Choose a form of aerobic exercise that you enjoy and that you can perform for about 300 minutes per week. Performing moderate-paced aerobic exercise for this duration on a weekly basis can increase your chance of losing body fat, including your stomach fat. If you prefer a quick-paced workout, 150 minutes is a suitable guideline. Aerobic exercises that can help you in your fat-loss battle include walking, jumping rope, swimming, bicycling, dancing, step aerobics and using a rowing machine or elliptical trainer. To vary your workouts, pick a combination of exercises to adopt.

Step 2
Strengthen your muscles two or three times every week with strength-training exercises. These exercises don't provide a rapid calorie burn in the same manner as aerobic exercise. They do, however, lead to a strong, physically fit body and one with a higher metabolism to help you burn more calories. Vary your strength-training workouts through a combination of weight training at the gym and body-weight training at home.

Step 3
Consume a low-calorie diet to increase your chance of putting your body in a fat-burning calorie deficit. Regular exercise contributes to a high calorie burn, but it can be difficult to attain a calorie deficit without a reduction in your calorie intake. This deficit arises through consuming fewer calories than you burn. If you can achieve a deficit of 3,500 throughout the week, you'll lose weight at the rate of a pound per week. Skip drinks and snacks that are high in sugar and snack on fruits and vegetables instead of fried foods. Carefully consider everything you consume throughout the day and look for healthier alternatives.

Don't try to take fat-loss shortcuts through fad diets or questionable fitness products. You'll have better luck with healthy lifestyle changes that include plenty of exercise and careful meal and snack choices.

It's not possible to selectively burn your stomach fat. Fat loss in this area requires you to consistently attain a calorie deficit to burn fat throughout your body. As you lose overall body fat, you'll experience the loss of your stomach fat, too.


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