Tuesday, 16 February 2016

FITNESS: How To Lose Thigh Fat At The Gym

The slang term thunder thighs is used to describe excess weight on the top of the legs. This bodily feature not only causes feelings of self-consciousness but also is unhealthy. Joining a gym is a good strategy to reduce your thigh size, provided you know what approach to take. Being that you cannot spot reduce, overall weight loss needs to be your primary goal.

Step 1
Experiment with the cardio equipment. Treadmills, elliptical machines, stair climbers, rowers, exercise bikes and ladder climbers all have one thing in common -- they burn calories. This, in turn, will promote weight loss in your legs and throughout the rest of your body. Spend five minutes learning how to use each machine and choose the one you like best. Gyms come equipped with jump ropes, which also help burn fat.

Step 2
Perform cardio on most days of the week to achieve weight loss. Using a machine for a few minutes every now and then will not do much in the way of thigh reduction. You must be willing to exercise long enough and often enough to promote weight loss. The Centers for Disease Control recommends at least 30 minutes a day of moderately-intense aerobic exercise. Meet these guidelines for the best results.

Step 3
Execute a thigh-toning workout with equipment at the gym. Doing weight-training exercises will give your thighs a leaner, more defined appearance as you melt away the fat. Build a workout around tools such as dumbbells, barbells and machines. Target the quadriceps and hamstrings, which are the main muscles in the thighs, in these workouts. Perform exercises such as squats, lunges, step-ups, leg extensions and leg curls. Use the cable pulley machines to work your inner thighs or adductors and your outer thighs, your abductors. Aim for 10 to 12 reps, do four or five sets and work out two or three days a week.

Step 4
Use the weight-training equipment correctly to achieve favorable results. Move through a full range of motion, never use momentum and keep your body in good alignment with all your exercises. For example, for lunges, stand with your feet hip-width apart and hold dumbbells at your sides with your palms facing in. Step forward with your right foot and lower yourself by bending both knees. Stop when your right thigh is parallel to the floor and left knee is an inch above the floor. Step back to the starting position, repeat with your left leg and continue to alternate legs.

Step 5
Substitute one or two cardio sessions a week with a fitness class. Most gyms have multiple classes available. Choose one that involves your thighs to spice things up such as step aerobics, kickboxing, cardio dance or a total-body toning class. Attend with a friend who will keep you motivated to stay on track.

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