Thursday, 4 February 2016

FITNESS: Juicing For Belly Fat

Juicing may not be the way to go to lose the belly fat. Fresh juice is high in sugar and low in fiber, and that combination may actually cause fat gain, according to Rush University Medical Center. While you can't spot-reduce belly fat, eating more whole fruits and vegetables, along with healthy grains and proteins, may help in your overall weight-loss efforts, including reducing your middle. Consult your doctor or dietitian to help you design a weight-loss diet that fits your needs.

Sugar in Juice While you may be getting a healthy dose of nutrients in your glass of fresh juice, you're also getting a lot of sugar. For comparison, a 1/2-cup serving of fresh carrot juice has 10 grams of sugar, while the same serving of raw carrot sticks has 3 grams of sugar. A 1/2-cup serving of fresh apple juice has 24 grams of sugar, while the same serving of the cut fruit has only 6 grams of sugar.

Eating too many calories from any food can lead to weight gain, but it seems that too many extra calories from sugar, even sugar from fresh juice, can cause your belly to grow, according to Rush University Medical Center
Lack of Fiber When you juice, you lose the fiber from the fruits and vegetables, which is counterproductive when it comes to belly fat because fiber may help you lose the fat, reports Rush. The lack of fiber in the juice may lead to spikes in your blood sugar, which can cause an increase in hunger. Additionally, fiber is calorie-free and aids in weight loss by filling you up and slowing down digestion, which keeps you feeling full longer. Eating to Lose Belly Fat Instead of juicing your vegetables, you may want to make them the centerpiece of all your meals if you're trying to get a slimmer middle. Fill at least half your plate with vegetables and the rest with a healthy protein such as fish or beans and a healthy grain such as brown rice or quinoa. And eat your fruit, instead of drinking it, for dessert to not only satisfy your sweet tooth but to get more fiber too. Low-Sugar Juicing Juicing isn't a bad thing, but if your goal is to lose your belly fat, you may want to make juices that are lower in sugar to help. That means creating juices with more vegetables and less fruit. Good low-sugar vegetables for juicing include cucumbers, spinach, celery and kale. Also, try to limit the amount you drink to one 8-ounce glass a day. Or you can make a veggie-focused smoothie to get the benefits of both the juice and the fiber. 

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