Saturday, 19 March 2016

FITNESS: Irresistible Smoothie To Help You Burn Belly Fat

Are you one of those having too much belly fat? If you are, we are here to help you burn belly fat fast and easy ! What we suggest is a drink recipe that consists of special and carefully selected ingredients that target belly fat.

All the ingredients are high in fiber, low in calories and possess fat-burning potential which means they melt fats quickly especially those accumulated around the waist. Flat belly is a result of eating clean, so adopting healthier lifestyle and plant-based food is the key to successful fat loss. Improper diet combined with constant exposure to stress significantly increases the risk for too much belly fat. And keep in mind that belly fat is not just an appearance problem, it is also a great indicator of certain disease. Do something before it is too late.

Here are our suggestions for melting stomach fat that will help you obtain great health as well.

Despite being extra delicious, pineapple will make your fat loss journey easier. It abounds with the enzyme bromelain that melts fat and boosts energy at the same time. It is also an excellent choice if you want to achieve the anti-cellulite effect.

Lime and ginger fire metabolism, control blood sugar level, curb cravings and reduce belly fats. Cucumber and cilantro are high in water and they help the body flush out toxins. They also burn extra calories and reduce waistline.

Combine these fat-burning ingredients, prepare this amazing drink and melt belly fat fast and easy.


1 cup pineapple chunks
1 lime
1/2 cucumber
a thumb of ginger
a bunch of cilantro or parsley

Just combine the ingredients and process well until the mixture gets smooth. Drink every time on empty stomach, 30 minutes before breakfast or 3-4 hours before going to bed.

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