Stomach fat can increase your risk for certain diseases and health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, sleep apnea and high blood pressure. The National Institutes of Health reports that menopausal women who have excess fat around their stomach or have a large waist compared to hip size may be at more risk for breast cancer. Certain herbal teas contain natural elements that can prevent and help to lessen stomach fat.
Herbal teas are low in fat and high in nutrition. They contain natural elements such as theophylline, polyphenols, amino acids, vitamins and other natural elements. The theophylline works by stimulating metabolism, while the polyphenols have fat burning properties. Certain herbal teas have higher concentrations of polyphenols and other natural elements that help to reduce stomach fat.
Green Tea
Green tea, known as carmellia simensis, contain polyphenols that produce a thermogenic activity in your body, utilizing calories to be converted to energy, instead of stored as stomach fat. It also contains a natural compound called catechin polyphenols, which stimulates your resting metabolic rate. The caffeine content causes a lipolitic reation in your body, meaning it allows your body to use stomach fat for energy.
Oolong Tea
Oolong tea enhances metabolism, helps your body to digest fat and block carbohydrates. This tea also comes from the camellia sinesis plant, but is processed differently. When the leaves are picked, they are shaken, which causes bruising. As the leaves dry, the bruised edges turn a reddish color with the surfaces becoming light yellow. The leaves are then pan fried, which creates a semi-fermented tea. Oolong tea also helps you to digest your food better after a meal.
Guggul Tea
Guggul tea, also known as Indian Bedellium, is used in Ayurveda medicine. It has fat regulating properties that work by increasing your body's metabolic rate. This tea, used for weight management, also has purifying and rejuvenating properties. Mixing the herb kaiphore with guggul, boosts the fat burning properties. Of course, you should check with your doctor before trying new herbs for any purpose.
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