Monday, 15 February 2016

FITNESS: Yummy Pineapple Drink That Fights Cellulite

Delicious and nutritious and at the same time powerful weapon against cellulite. Instead of spending your hard-earned money on pointless anti-cellulite creams, try to get rid of cellulite in natural way. And what is better than natural, right?

Cellulite might be your nightmare but there is no need to worry any longer. Reduce cellulite and get smoother thighs by choosing the right ingredients.

Pineapple contains the enzyme bromelain which improves blood circulation. It is also an important component in the metabolism of proteins which contributes to successful and natural anti-cellulite treatment.

Lime, lemon and orange are known for vitamin C which has proved effective in the anti-cellulite process. Make sure you include them regularly on your menu if you want to prevent cellulite problems.

Ginger is your secret ingredients when it comes to elimination cellulite. It speeds up metabolism, aids digestion, suppresses appetite and makes the circulation better. Use ginger on daily basis in different recipes if you want to reduce cellulite without too much effort.

Sunflower Seeds are loaded with cellulite busting nutrients. They contain zinc, potassium, vitamin E and vitamin B6. Vitamin B6 is especially important for combating cellulite as it has the role of natural diuretic helping the body to eliminate excess water which makes cellulite more visible. It also plays a crucial role in metabolism of proteins and strengthens and repairs connective tissue ( weak connective tissues is one of the factors that worsens the cellulite)


  • 1 cup pineapple chinks
  • 1/2 lime ( or 1/2 lemon)
  • 1/2 orange
  • 1 tsp. sunflower seeds
  • 2 tbsp. grated ginger

Squeeze the lime and the orange to get the juice and combine it together with the remaining ingredients. Blend for a while until you get the creamy smoothie.

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