Sunday, 13 March 2016

FITNESS: The Best Juice That Prevents Obesity

As obesity reaches an alarming level, it is of vital importance to adopt a healthier lifestyle, develop clean eating habits and put an end to the excess pounds.

More than 1/3 of US adults are obese and there is also a growing trend with child obesity so we must all agree that obesity is really a serious health issue. If you have accumulated so much body fat, you must be aware of all the negative consequences. Being obese means having a greater risk for developing cardiovascular diseases, certain types of cancer ( breast cancer and colon cancer), type 2 diabetes, depression and the list goes on and on. Do something with your body until it is too late.

If you want to tackle obesity, you must develop healthy eating habits. Get rid of all processed foods and soda drinks. They are the main culprit for overweight and obesity. Substitute all the unhealthy food choices with healthy natural ingredients that will bring only benefits. They will restore your health and effectively reduce weight.

Ginger-lemon duo is a fantastic combination that regulates appetite effectively and reduces the intake of calories. It burns belly fat and melts the accumulated pounds. It is ideal for all people who want to lose excess weight, prevent obesity and burn stomach fat.


3 lemons
2 large pieces of ginger
1 liter water

Juice the lemons and the ginger and add the water. Put the juice in a pitcher and store on medium room temperature (neither hot nor cold). This dose is for only one day, the next day you prepare another one. Drink 3-4 times a day at least 30 minutes before taking a meal. Repeat the procedure in the next 3-4 weeks every day and you will see how you start shedding pounds easily and effectively.

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