Wednesday, 27 April 2016

FITNESS: Diet With Potatoes And Yogurt – 11 Pounds In 3 Days

This diet is the perfect choice if you need to lose weight fast. In just three days you can have up to 11 pounds less. You will consume minor calories but thanks to the potato you will feel full and satisfied while you are on this diet.


Breakfast: 1 boiled potato without salt, 1 cup of yogurt

Lunch: 2 boiled potatoes without salt, 1 cup of yogurt

Dinner: 2 cups of yogurt

Breakfast: 1 cup of yogurt

Lunch: 2 boiled potatoes without salt, 1 cup of yogurt

Dinner: 1 boiled potato without salt, 1 cup of yogurt


Breakfast: 1 boiled potato without salt

Lunch: 1 boiled potato without salt, 1 cup of yogurt

Dinner: 1 cup of yogurt

IMPORTANT: The diet is very strict and is not recommended for people who practice physical activity and have health problems.

The diet lasts three days only. You should not over do.

The advantage of this diet is that it is short, and quick results have been achieved thanks to the extreme low calorific value of meals.

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