What you see is not always what you get. As someone who spends most of her time on the Internet I should know this. How do you explain the discrepancy in quality of products you see on the Internet and the delivered goods?
None of the added incentives of shopping has addressed the matter of poor quality goods sold on these portals. As much as I love to patronize our own people, the downside of this decision is visible when you receive some deliveries that make you unhappy and God help you, if you have not taken time to read the fine prints.
A few days ago, I got a package delivery of a plaid dress that looked absolutely beautiful in pictures – so much that I imagined the feel of the wool with which the dress was made. It looked like a high quality dress and I wasted no time in placing my order and even started boasting about a new dress I got and would show off soon. Then after more than a week of waiting, I received a call from a guy who claimed to be a dispatch rider with a delivery for me. I received the package, but as I attempted to open it, the dispatch man insisted I would have to pay him first. As soon as he collected the money, the guy disappeared with the speed of light as if he could sense what was about to happen. CONTINUE READING...
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