No, you are not dreaming! Today is your lucky day as you are about to discover a new recipe that reveals the weight loss secrets and helps you get the body you like. No more struggles, no more tormenting yourself with the overweight, no more failure.
If you want to lose weight and fat, the first thing you need to do is to fully detox your body. This recipe is perfect for combining with any diet that you choose and it is a wonderful opportunity to eliminate all toxins built up in the body.
Once you taste it, you will recommend it to everyone as it tastes really good and is ideal for every part of the day. You can even drink it instead of water, it will further speed up your metabolism and aid the weight loss process. It is an excellent solution as a pre-workout and post-workout drink, it will keep your body hydrated and invigorated.
It is simple to prepare, it has a pleasant taste and when you discover its weight loss efficacy, you will remember it and pass it on to other people who want to obtain an ideal weight.
The more you drink of it, the more strength and energy you are going to get. It will boost both your mental and physical performance. The cellulite will be gone, your body will melt and the process of burning fats will be significantly improved.
Set your weight loss goals, get motivated and start your successful slim-down journey. You will be more than delighted when you see the results. No more delay, no more starting the next day or the next week. Consider your weight loss goal as a project, the more you prolong it, the less results you will have. You have the recipe, you have the wish to accomplish your weight loss mission, all you have to do is to start today.
- 3-4 apples
- 1 tsp. cinnamon
- 50 gr. ginger
- 2 lemons
- 10-12 fresh mint leaves
- 2 liters water
Chop the mint leaves, grate the ginger, squeeze the lemons, add the cinnamon and blend the ingredients. Put this mixture in a liter of water. Stir well. Add chopped ( or grated apples), and the remaining water. Stir again and let this stay overnight. Strain it the next day.Every time you are about to drink this healthy drink, let it stay at room temperature for a while. You shouldn’t drink this cold. Drink a glass of this beverage 30 min. before every meal. For those willing to make the weight loss process faster,as mentioned above, you can consume it instead of water during the day. It is important to store this drink in a fridge in a glass container( a pitcher or jar), not a plastic one.
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