Saturday, 6 February 2016

JOB: University of Ibadan, UI Staff Recruitment 2016 - Apply

The management of the University of Ibadan (UI) invites applications from suitably qualified candidates for the following academic positions:

i. Department of Agricultural Economics
(a) Assistant Lecturer
  • Applicants must possess Bachelor and Master degrees in relevant disciplines and show evidence of current registration for the Ph.D Degree programme in Agricultural Economics.
(b) Lecturer II
  • Applicants must possess Bachelor and Master degrees in relevant disciplines. In addition, applicants must hold a Ph.D Degree in Agricultural Economics.
  • Evidence of scholarly publications in reputable outlets will be an added advantage.
ii. Department of Wildlife and Ecotourism Management
(a) Assistant Lecturer
  • Applicants must possess Bachelor degree in any of the following: Agriculture, Conversation Biology, Zoology, Fisheries Management, Wildlife Management, Wildlife and Ecotourism Management or other related disciplines.
  • Also, applicants must possess Master degree in any of the following: Wildlife Management, Wildlife and Ecotourism Management, Environmental Control and Management, Environmental Management and Conservation Biology or other related disciplines
  • Applicants must show evidence of current registration for the Ph.D Degree programme.
(b) Senior Lecturer
  • Applicants must possess Bachelor degree in Archaeology or other related disciplines, Master Degree in Cultural Resources Management or other related disciplines and Ph.D in Cultural Resources Management.
  • In addition, the candidate must have acquired a minimum of 6 years teaching experience at the university level and must show evidence of scholarly publications in reputable outlets.
i. Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
(a) Lecturer II
  • Applicants must possess a Bachelor degree registrable with the Pharmacists Council of Nigeria (PCN) and a Master of Science Degree in Pharmaceutical Chemistry.
  • Applicants must show evidence of current registration for the Ph.D Degree programme.
(b) Lecturer I
  • Applicants must possess a Bachelor degree registrable with the Pharmacists Council of Nigeria (PCN) and a Master of Science Degree in Pharmaceutical Chemistry. Applicants must also possess a Ph.D Degree or a minimum of 3 years teaching experience at university level.
  • Evidence of scholarly publications in reputable outlets will be an added advantage.
ii. Department of Pharmaceutics and Industrial Pharmacy
(a) Lecturer II
  • Applicants must possess a Bachelor degree registrable with the Pharmacists Council of Nigeria (PCN) and a Master of Science Degree in Pharmaceutics or Pharmaceutical Technology.
  • Applicants must show evidence of current registration for the Ph.D Degree programme.
(b) Lecturer I
  • Applicants must possess a Bachelor degree registrable with the Pharmacists Council of Nigeria (PCN), Master of Science and Ph.D Degrees in Pharmaceutics or Pharmaceutical Technology. In
    addition, or 3 years teaching experience at the university level is required in lieu of the possession of a Ph.D Degree.
  • Evidence of scholarly publications in reputable outlets will be an added advantage.
i. Department of Petroleum Engineering
(a) Lecturer I
  • Applicants must possess a Ph. D degree in Petroleum Engineering (or relevant disciplines plus oil industry experience) with specialisation in Reservoir Simulation, Enhanced Oil Recovery, Drilling, Production, Petrophysics, Natural Gas or Petroleum Economics.
  • Evidence of scholarly publications in reputable outlets will be an added advantage.
(b) Lecturer II
  • Applicants must possess Bachelor and Master degrees in Petroleum Engineering and show evidence of current registration for the Ph. D Degree programme in Petroleum Engineering.
(a) Research Fellow I
Area of Specialisation: Gender Studies
  • Applicants must possess Bachelor and Master degrees in relevant disciplines and a Ph.D Degree in Gender Studies and Applied Ethics.
  • Evidence of scholarly publications in Gender Studies would be an added advantage.
(b) Senior Research Fellow
Area of Specialisation: Diaspora and Transnational Studies
  • Applicants must possess Bachelor and Master degrees in relevant disciplines and a Ph.D Degree in Transnational Studies, Diaspora Studies or Multiple Identity Studies.
  • Evidence of scholarly publications in reputable outlets will be an added advantage.
(c) Research Fellow II
Area of Specialisation: Anthropology
  • Applicants must possess Bachelor and Master degrees in a related discipline and Ph.D Degree in Anthropology.
  • Evidence of scholarly publications in reputable outlets will be an added advantage.
(d) Research Fellow II
Area of Specialisation: Africa Law
  • Applicants must possess Bachelor and Master degrees in Law and a Ph.D Degree in African Law.
  • Evidence of scholarly publications in reputable outlets will be an added advantage.
  1. Assistant Lecturer CONUASS 2
  2. Lecturer II / Research Fellow II CONUASS 3
  3. Lecturer I / Research Fellow I CONUASS 4
  4. Senior Lecturer / Senior Research Fellow CONUASS 5
Applicants should forward their applications and detailed Curriculum Vitae (20 copies)
  • Date of Birth (not Age),
  • Marital Status,
  • State of Origin,
  • L.G.A.,
  • Mobile Telephone Number,
  • E-mail Address,
  • Academic Qualifications,
  • Previous Work Experience,
  • Publications (if any),
  • Names and Addresses of three (3) Referees, and enclose two sets of photostat copies of relevant credentials to reach; 

The Deputy Registrar Establishments (Academic Staff), 
University of Ibadan, 
Ibadan, Nigeria.

Applicants should request their referees to send reports on them on letter head and under confidential cover, indicating the positions and department to which they have applied, direct to the Deputy Registrar Establishments (Academic Staff) from whom further details may be obtained.

Applicants are required to indicate the position and Department to which they applied in the application as well as the envelope containing the application.

Only the applications of shortlisted candidates will be acknowledged.

Shortlisted applicants would be required to make a departmental seminar presentation on a completed / ongoing research work in their area of interest before being shortlisted for the oral interview.

Application should be sent not later than six weeks from the date of this publication.

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