If you are one of the people who are battling obesity or have excess pounds that you want to get rid of it, then the powerful combination of the ingredients in this drink will help you reach your seemingly unattainable goal.
This amazing slimming drink will shape your body and give you satisfying results. Once you start shedding pounds you will get more motivated to continue your weight loss mission.
Green tea is famous for its ability to burn fat and reduce weight easily and safely. Mint is recommended to ease the digestion process and to improve the cleansing process.
Ginger is well known to promote losing weight as a result of the properties of its components to increase metabolism, stimulate circulation and excrete toxins from the body.
If you are looking for a healthy weight loss regime, then oranges and lemons are really incredible combination when it comes to cutting down on weight due to the fact that they are high in fiber and water content. The citric acid found in citrus fruits is helpful for fast fat burning and waist-trimming.Consume this drink regularly and you will see how your body melts. If your goal is to get the maximum of this drink always take it early in the morning on empty stomach and whenever you want to refresh yourself or in a need of sugar cravings. This is a really healthy substitute for all soft drinks you have been used to, the difference being this drink significantly contributes to weight loss and soft drinks to weight gain. By choosing this unbelievable slimming drink, you invest in your healthy weight management and get your best health insurance.
Here is the drink recipe that will make those extra pounds go away.
- 3 tbsp. green tea
- 1 orange
- 1 lemon
- a thumb of ginger
- 5-6 mint leaves
- 1 liter water
Boil the water and soak the green tea. Let this stay for 5 minutes, drain the tea and put it aside to cool. Grate and mince the ginger, finely chop the mint leaves and squeeze the orange. Mix this and let it stay while the green tea cools. When the tea is cooled, add the mixture, cut the lemons into wedges and stir well. Store it in a fridge in a pitcher and consume it as explained, no more than 2 glasses per serving
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